Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Quota for General: 50%

Did you know, in India, they made reservations for the backward classes to 50% in their professional educational institutes. I mean seriously, I thought the backward classes were coming up, you know doing well. And they go and increase the reservations. Its like they are almost saying "Hey, you guys are doing so bad that we increased the reservations for you."

You know what they are also projecting to the world? That half the country's population is backward! Its either that or somebody messed up their calculations BIG TIME.

Consider this, 25 out of 100 people are considered in the category of backward. Now, ideally you go ahead and make the reservation 25%. Ok, can be explained to a person by mathematics. But no, you go ahead and make it 50%. That tells me, every person considered backward can apply and get admission in 2 universities at the same time. Defies logic, doesnt it... ok, at least defies my mathematical logic.

That also poses a problem, what do the 25 general category people do??? Dont you think its time they reserve seats for general also???

A nuclear tragedy.

Have to face it. Someday, somebody's patience will run out and some gung-ho dude might order a nuclear strike on somebody else. Everybody wants the best weapons, "just in case" they say.

Not everybody has a strong will to save nuking the other guy if he/she kills some people. The worst part, every few years, the trigger keeps changing hands. One guy starts, everybody will follow... you know, "just in case".

Well, "just in case", you hear about such a tragedy, know that it was some trigger happy dude who just couldnt hold it.

Solution? Conduct an experiment, whose nukes makes the biggest hole in the sun... compulsory participation for all dudes and gals.

Monday, April 10, 2006

A great war movie

The Great Raid, one of the few movies which has suceeded in potraing the WWII as it was, Brutal. You dont see much gory scences or killings (compared to the other was movies) but the story puts things for your consideration. Like its said in the movie, saving the lives of 500 prisoners-of-war is of no strategic importance but no one in really cares or thinks about that. War is not cool.

I agree wars in movies are fun to watch, which is the problem. I feel they shouldnt be.

You thought I will give you the story of the movie? Nah, go here and search:

Although I am always happy to guide you to the site that will.


Massively Multiplayer Online RPGs

Dont ask me what this means, go here and check it out

Oh and, you can find information about almost everything on this site. It is a good site to remember or bookmark.

So, MMORPGs come in many forms. There are browser-based, text and graphics both. Although the graphics one which run on browsers usually suck. There are many interesting ones out there.

Some of them require you to download their client. These have better graphics but those with slow connections usually dont go for these becasue of the size of the downloads.

See, I ended up telling almost everything about it.I play some of them.

Of course, if you really wanna go big, play World of Warcraft, Oblivion. Those are what are called top-notch in graphics and gameplay both.
